Performance : We Tell Stories "Cuentos de la Familia We still have tickets!Three shows: 3:00pm. 4:00pm, and 5:00pmTodavia tenemos boletos 3 fuciones 3:00, 4:00 y 5:00
Opciones de Programas Académicos del Distrito Unificado de L.A. para Aprendices de Inglés en las Escuelas Primarias Padres / tutores de Estudiantes de aprendices de inglés (EL) queremos que conozcan las opciones del programa de instrucción del Plan Maestro. Vea el video adjunto para obtener más información.
English Learner Programs / Instructional Program Options Parents/guardians of English Learners (EL) we want you to learn about the Master Plan instructional program options. Please watch the attached video for more information.
Los Angeles Unified Announces School Closures for Monday, Aug. 21 Los Angeles Unified is making the difficult decision to close all of our schools, campuses and after-school programs tomorrow, Monday, Aug. 21. Students and families: Please do not come to your school campus. For more detailed information and the latest updates, please visit